why i have to be right here..
somewhere that i really hate..
why i have to be right here..
somewhere that make me mad..
why i have to be right here..
somewhere that make me sad..
why i have to be right here..
somewhere that i never like..
why i have to be right here..
somewhere that can make me cry..
why i need to be right here..
somewhere that nothing is alright..
it's all what i know..
it's all about this place..
it's all about the sorrow..
it's all about the sadness..
it's all about the madness..
please bring me to my origins..
i miss that place..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
the light behind the dark clouds.. :)
lately..i always posting entries about something that i really..really want..and i just don't know if i can get it or not. but,at the same time..i forget about something..something that i need..not something that i want..
something that we need is more important than what we want right?
so..here is the story..
i was drowning by something that i want. and i feel so sad when i'm thinking about it. everyday..the feeling just like a virus in my heart. it become worst and spread to the whole my little, small heart..JUST MAKE ME SAD!
suddenly, something that i need come without any sign..something that i almost forgot about it. and when it comes..i feel..the whole world are smiling at me. the light behind the dark clouds just shining at me. thanks Allah. You gave me a very good news. thanks for the gift..i just love it!!
~bersyukur kerana saye tahu Allah masih sayangkan saye..Alhamdulillah~
this is my life
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
in the eyes of the world
we are standing on the top
we are afraid of falling down
we are up high
up above the sky
we just forget where we've start
at the bottom
down low
almost drowned in the water
here we are
at the top of the world
standing with the pride
proud with what we've done
we left the ugly memory
we built our glory
words from the brain~LAYAN
Monday, April 27, 2009
hey..can i have it?
hey..can i have it?
i just want it
not others
i want that one
yes i am
so what?
this is me
just me
what if i don't get it?
i'll try till the end
if one day there's a sign
it is not meant for me
i'll go
so now
i just want to pray
it'll be mine
always mine
forever mine
i just want it
not others
i want that one
yes i am
so what?
this is me
just me
what if i don't get it?
i'll try till the end
if one day there's a sign
it is not meant for me
i'll go
so now
i just want to pray
it'll be mine
always mine
forever mine
words from the brain~LAYAN
Sunday, April 26, 2009
~tin kosong
lately..i feel like a "tin kosong". i am thinking about something..but i just don't get the conclusion for what i am thinking of..
"kosong mcm tin kosong"
"klu tin susu..at least there are milk in it"
i am "0" like "tin kosong"
maybe this "tin kosong" waiting for something that can fill it...
but...what is that something...i just don't know..
"kosong mcm tin kosong"
"klu tin susu..at least there are milk in it"
i am "0" like "tin kosong"
maybe this "tin kosong" waiting for something that can fill it...
but...what is that something...i just don't know..

this is my life
Thursday, April 23, 2009
~malay post...
hari ini..saya nak menghantar "post" dalam Bahasa Melayu.m
maklum la, English saya "not bad" "bad"nye. jadi...hari ini tak nak pening kepala fikir susunan ayatnye.
tajuk saya: hormat dan menghormati
sebenarnya, saya dapat idea ni semalam. tapi, saya tunggu pagi ni untuk tulis kat sini. isi masa lapang selepas bersahur. hehe..
baiklah. pasal hormat ni kan. semua org di dunia ni mesti mahu dihormati. walaupun orang tu hanya seorang pengemis, penjenayah, kanak-kanak ataupun sesiapa sahaja. selalunya, kita bukan meminta untuk dihormati sangat. tetapi, cukup sekadar untuk rase dihargai. kita ada maruah. itu yang sebenarnya. rasanya, kalau manusia xde maruah, baru mereka tak perlukan langsung penghormatan ataupun penghargaan.
mungkin ada di kalangan kita yang akan berkata, "saya tidak meminta untuk dihormati, tetapi cukupla saya dihargai". silap tu. penghargaan merupakan satu cara penghormatan. bile kite hormatkan seseorang, secara automatiknya kita akan menghargainya. fikirkanlah semula..
ok..berkenaan menghormati. yang ini payah sikit. maklumlah, yang ini kita yang kena jaga. selalunya, orang yang beradap akan menghormati orang lain. orang yang belum merasai dirinya cukup bagus pasti akan menghormati orang lain. sedar yang diri mempunyai kelemahan, maka dengan sendirinya perasaan hormat pada orang lain akan wujud.
apabila disebut menghormati, orang selalu mempertikaikan, "kalau dia tak hormat akan saya, kurang ajar, kenapa saya perlu hormat kepadanya?" salah tu. pada saya, kalau kita berhadapan dengan seorang yang kurang ajar, tak perlu kita menjadi kurang ajar juga sepertinya. kan orang dulu ada berkata, "yang baik jadikan teladan, yang buruk jadikan sempadan". "jangan anda menjadi gila kerana melayan orang gila..."begitulah konsepnya. (tapi kadang-kala saya hilang pertimbangan juga. maklum la..saya pun manusia biasa. minta maaf ya..)
walau dalam keadaan manapun, cubalah mengawal diri sendiri. orang yang benar-benar kuat dan berjaya adalah orang yang mampu mengawal hati dan perasaannya. cubalah berifat rasional. api jangan disimbah dengan minyak. nak selamat, api kenalah disimbah dengan air. menanglah dengan bermaruah. hiduplah seperti orang bermaruah. walau sekecil manapun sesuatu perkara di mata kita, ingatlah bahawa hati manusia tidak semuanya sama.
"post" ini saya tulis untuk mengingatkan diri sendiri dan untuk dikongsi dengan anda. tak semua pendapat saya benar, dan tak semua pendapat saya salah. ini hanyalah pendapat peribadi saya.
maklum la, English saya "not bad" "bad"nye. jadi...hari ini tak nak pening kepala fikir susunan ayatnye.
tajuk saya: hormat dan menghormati
sebenarnya, saya dapat idea ni semalam. tapi, saya tunggu pagi ni untuk tulis kat sini. isi masa lapang selepas bersahur. hehe..
baiklah. pasal hormat ni kan. semua org di dunia ni mesti mahu dihormati. walaupun orang tu hanya seorang pengemis, penjenayah, kanak-kanak ataupun sesiapa sahaja. selalunya, kita bukan meminta untuk dihormati sangat. tetapi, cukup sekadar untuk rase dihargai. kita ada maruah. itu yang sebenarnya. rasanya, kalau manusia xde maruah, baru mereka tak perlukan langsung penghormatan ataupun penghargaan.
mungkin ada di kalangan kita yang akan berkata, "saya tidak meminta untuk dihormati, tetapi cukupla saya dihargai". silap tu. penghargaan merupakan satu cara penghormatan. bile kite hormatkan seseorang, secara automatiknya kita akan menghargainya. fikirkanlah semula..
ok..berkenaan menghormati. yang ini payah sikit. maklumlah, yang ini kita yang kena jaga. selalunya, orang yang beradap akan menghormati orang lain. orang yang belum merasai dirinya cukup bagus pasti akan menghormati orang lain. sedar yang diri mempunyai kelemahan, maka dengan sendirinya perasaan hormat pada orang lain akan wujud.
apabila disebut menghormati, orang selalu mempertikaikan, "kalau dia tak hormat akan saya, kurang ajar, kenapa saya perlu hormat kepadanya?" salah tu. pada saya, kalau kita berhadapan dengan seorang yang kurang ajar, tak perlu kita menjadi kurang ajar juga sepertinya. kan orang dulu ada berkata, "yang baik jadikan teladan, yang buruk jadikan sempadan". "jangan anda menjadi gila kerana melayan orang gila..."begitulah konsepnya. (tapi kadang-kala saya hilang pertimbangan juga. maklum la..saya pun manusia biasa. minta maaf ya..)
walau dalam keadaan manapun, cubalah mengawal diri sendiri. orang yang benar-benar kuat dan berjaya adalah orang yang mampu mengawal hati dan perasaannya. cubalah berifat rasional. api jangan disimbah dengan minyak. nak selamat, api kenalah disimbah dengan air. menanglah dengan bermaruah. hiduplah seperti orang bermaruah. walau sekecil manapun sesuatu perkara di mata kita, ingatlah bahawa hati manusia tidak semuanya sama.
"post" ini saya tulis untuk mengingatkan diri sendiri dan untuk dikongsi dengan anda. tak semua pendapat saya benar, dan tak semua pendapat saya salah. ini hanyalah pendapat peribadi saya.
"tha bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life"
sekian wasalam.

~layan kepale sengal,
sharing is caring~~
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

all along the road
i'm waiting
looking around
there's nothing
looking again
trying to fulfill the time
so slow...
like a child waiting for a fairy
i'm dying
laying on the floor
no one come to save me
wake up from a dream
need to move
not just waiting at the same spot
i walk
so weak...
slowly i found the strength
so hazy
slowly i found the light
~layan kepale sengal
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stitch: This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.
Family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten...
So..Do you think you really have a family?? Are you a real family member of your family? Asked yourself cause only you know whether you are..or you are not. I think I have a real family. And I am a real family member of mine.
My family...we are always be together. Not in term of time or place. But..in our heart. We never be apart.
My family is not a rich family, but...we are perfect. I'm proud to say that. And that's what I'm really sure. We are just perfect. We have been trough all the happy and hard time together. When one of us in a hard time..means all of us are in hard time. When we had joy, when we had fun..we share it together. No one left crying in lonelyness. No one left behind. No one left, and no one are forgotten.
I'm writing this post not just to tell people about my family. Or not to tell you how I proud with my family. But..I want you to think about how are your relation with your family. Have you ever left your family? Just forget them when you are happy? Think about it...have you ever??
If you are..It's never be too late for you to get back to your family. Believe me. However.. Whatever..this relation will never end. There's no end. Be thankful with what you have..the family that God gave to you. You are a gift to your family..So..be a valuable gift and you'll be love.
To my family members..I LOVE YOU..
LOTS OF LOVE ~honey lemon
sharing is caring~~
Monday, April 20, 2009
after midnight by YUNA

After midnight
I shall kidnap you from the world
And I'll keep you in my room
Hush now my love and hold my hand
After midnight
I shall take you to a place
Where no one else should know of
Hush now my love and hold my hand
You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me
Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only
After midnight
I shall stay awake
And if you chose to close your eyes now
Hush now my love
I'll watch you sleep
You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me
Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only
Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only
~song to share
what is in our heart..
what is in our heart..sometimes we don't know what is in our heart.maybe people will say.."only we know what we want..and what is inside our heart."
but..for me..myself.sometimes..i just don't know what is inside my heart.that's why..sometimes..i still make silly mistake..because i confused with my own heart.
sometimes..i feel that i need it.sometimes..i feel that i don't need it.which one?which is the real voice of my heart..
somehow..i just follow what i feel right..what i feel the best to me..in the end who knows??we will know when we had make the decision..and when we have experienced it..
never mind..what is in our heart is not very important..the most important thing is..when..we learned from what we have done..when..we take the risk that we never know what it will be..life is about risks..so..we need to take it..need to face it..
~~this is my life,
sharing is caring~~
Friday, April 17, 2009
while i'm having my nescafe "0"..
suddenly i remember about my sister suggestion..
actually, it's not her suggestion..
but it comes from my brother in-law..
move to jb..OUM for my master degree..
i'm guessing why they suddenly gave me that suggestion..
ya..because of my financial problems..
it is not mine actually..
it's my company problem..
wanna know what is on my mind??
i'm stick with my decision..
i love USM
i love penang
when i said "i love penang"
it doesn't mean i didn't love johor
i love johor very..very..much
but i just wanna settle my master degree in usm..
with my handsome and gorgeous supervisor
(klu die bace ini..pasti saye lulus master degree dgn cemerlang)
actually i'm not ready for being such a small kid agains
living with my family means..
i'll become a very dependent person..
ok..i'll stop now..
wanna continue my work..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
steal from other blog..
“We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it’s our life or our possesions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and history of the world were written by the same hand.”
- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.
- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.
sharing is caring~~
how do i feel???
how do i feel???
i really dunno what is my feeling right now..
am i crazy??
nope..i'm not
just like others
i crashed into somebody
and i went up in flames
like a runaway train
i'm trying to ignore this feeling
and i still can't help myself
keep trying..and trying..
damn...it's still here
stick on my heart
like a poster on my wall
just like a traffic in my head
still can move..
but it so slow..
so..i just can wait..
hope one day,
if i still can't get you,
this feeling will washed away by the rain
~after midnight/wednesday~
words from the brain~LAYAN
Monday, April 13, 2009
once upon a time..
i think M.O.N.E.Y is not so important to me

once upon a time..
i think M.O.N.E.Y is not so important to me
i still can live if i didn't have much M.O.N.E.Y
but today..
i just realize
M.O.N.E.Y is important to me
M.O.N.E.Y can make people feel..
and many more feelings that i just can't think right now.
actually this topic rise because i'm tired for waiting..
waiting for my own M.O.N.E.Y
i still not recieve my salary for March..
it's too much..
and the worst part is..
i can see that..
no one (the persons who in-charge) care about it..
i want my M.O.N.E.Y!!
i still have many things to pay..
and to buy..
i'm not living in a place where all the things are free.

~~this is my life
Friday, April 10, 2009
is it true???
is it true???
"will everything that we believe the most will be happen??"
suddenly the question marks rise in my head..
i believe that "that something" will happen..
i think it just a dream..
then i realize..
we just can strive hard for our excellent..
for something to happen..
but in the END..
we still have HIM up there..
HE is the one who can make all the thing come true
we here...we just can strive hard for something we really want
the most we need to BELIEVE is..
HE will never DISSAPOINTING us
~~this is my life
Thursday, April 9, 2009
i juz don't understand why..??why??
why early in the morning..i was so excited to go to work..
but now..i feel like i'm in hell
headache...hate it!!
MALAS..hate it!!!
i hate all these feeling..
wargh..wanna stay at home
i just wanna stay at home..MUMMY~~
miss my mum..
miss my family..
miss my niece and nephew
baby..don't be naughty2 huh..
miss all of you lah wey~~

this is my life
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
when i got nothing to do..it'll be like this
yups..the title for this post is "when i got nothing to do..it'll be like this"
i feel like i'm in heaven...(for the starting)
i'll surf the internet
find something to read
find sumthing to share with you
listen to the song
erm...pretty huh?
i found these healthy diet tips..
pls don't just be the food police.
if you have been on diet for 3-4 months and you still can't see the results..
pls recheck ur diet rules..there must be something wrong"
enjoy ur life and enjoy ur food
- Eat enough calories but not too many. Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.
- Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat.
- Keep portions moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrĂ©e, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol. Try to get fresh, local produce.
- Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75% water. It is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder, of waste products and toxins. A majority of Americans go through life dehydrated.
- Limit sugary foods, salt, and refined-grain products. Sugar is added to a vast array of foods. In a year, just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can increase your weight by 16 pounds. See suggestions below for limiting salt and substituting whole grains for refined grains.
- Don’t be the food police. You can enjoy your favorite sweets and fried foods in moderation, as long as they are an occasional part of your overall healthy diet. Food is a great source of pleasure, and pleasure is good for the heart – even if those French fries aren’t!
- Get moving. A healthy diet improves your energy and feelings of well-being while reducing your risk of many diseases. Adding regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better.
- One step at a time. Establishing new food habits is much easier if you focus on and take action on one food group or food fact at a time.
sharing is caring~~
Monday, April 6, 2009
it's a beautiful day~~
i'm on leave today..
wargh~~~it's a beautiful day.
i can feel it.
wake up in the morning, take shower, then prepare to go out.
nothing to rush.
everything just go as i wish.
and i..still can smile.
yups..it's such a freedom for me to have a day like this.
i'm not stuck with anybody's plan or time.
it's just me and myself.
and now,
i'm sitting here with my lappy,
drink a glass of iced hazelnut with chocolate and a slice of bread toast with chocolate.
a very wonderful taste of chocolate,
and a very wonderful feeling.
what else..?
i can't express it..
i just can feel it.
if u see my smiling face right now..
then maybe you can understand it.
alone doesn't mean lonely..
sometimes alone is pretty..
that's all from me honey lemon at roti bakar kopitiam
this is my life
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
simple song form the COUPLE
Say Hi!
I’ve never fell for anyone (saye x pernah jatuh cinta pada sesiapa)
I never needed to (saye x pernah perlukan itu)
But somehow I just find myself (tetapi, entah bagaimana saye dapati diri saye)
In need of someone like you (sedang memerlukan seseorang seperti kamu)
So how should I go up to you? (jadi, perlukah saye pergi mendapatkan kamu?)
So how should I go up to you? (jadi, perlukah saye pergi mendapatkan kamu?)
And tell you that I needed you (dan menyatakan pada kamu yang saye memerlukan kamu)
I think I have to help myself (saye fikir saye perlu membantu diri sendiri)
Or else I’d be a fool (ataupun saye hanye perlu berbuat bodoh)
But seeing you with someone else (tetapi hanye melihat kamu bersame yang lain)
Just breaks my heart in two (yang hanye menyebabkan hati saye terbelah dua)
Just breaks my heart in two (yang hanye menyebabkan hati saye terbelah dua)
Say hi… (say hi..)
~song to share
freedom...live in peace
freedom...live in peace~~that's all i need. i'm worried about malaysian future. i'm just worried. i've talk about it to en.mok...a discussion just between us. after we "ym" about 2-3 hours. i was realized about something. the way we think are different. why?? maybe because he's an army and me..just a civilian. that's the different between us. i am proud to have him as one of my bestfren. the way he thinks was impress me. in my mind...i just wanna live in peace. but, for him..it's more than that. i've learnt many things from him in this conversation. thanks God for sending him to me.
for the peace and the freedom of my lovely country,MALAYSIA...take a look at this photo
if animals can love each other even they come from different species, why we're just can't love each other even we come from different races..think about it for a while~~
"i'm, proud to be malaysian"
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